Benefits of Data-Driven Development
It’d be downright lying and wild if we believed even for one second that data is static or not growing.Over the next five years up to 2025, global data creation is projected to grow to more than 180 zettabytes”.
In 2020, when the health crisis was disrupting every industry in the world, data only grew and replicated at an all-time high.
With more and more people working from home and using home entertainment systems as a means to pass the time, the volumes of data reached unprecedented numbers, enabling industries to making data-driven decisions more accurately than ever before.

In any data-driven approach, one needs to consider how to make data valuable as heaps of data can be rendered useless if not cleaned up, sorted out, or processed adequately. Also, one must remember that only a fraction of all the data that’s generated is actually stored and retained, as it would be virtually impossible to save all of the data that’s consumed and produced with current storage systems. For example, in 2020, the storage capacity only reached 6.7 zettabytes.
Now a days, data-driven web site or data-driven applications have been thrown around a lot, but what does it all actually mean? For companies, it’s crucial that data-driven culture is infused in every single individual that makes up the organization but there’s a real lack of tools and processes to fully comprehend how to become a data-driven company.